Esports program

We're thrilled to share some fantastic news about our incredible Battle Mustang ESports Team and their performance in the fall season of the Middle School ESports League.  As we end the last week of official competition, we are pleased to share the following standings.

In Super Smash Bros, out of a total of 617 players, Austin Taylor is currently ranked 42nd, and J.L. Gonzalez is ranked 51st, putting them in the top 10% of all players.  Jett King, Lilyann Dyer, and Jacob DelSignore are ranked in the top 30%, while Westin Norment, Ezra Dawson, Elijah Atkinson, Nahum Torben, and Efaa Torben are ranked in the top 50%. 

In Splatoon 3, our two teams are in places 17 ( Lilyann Dyer, Charles Hines, Westin Norment, and Nahum Torben) and 22 (Elijah Smith, Elijah Atkinson, Jett King, and Efaa Torben) out of a total of 32 teams, and in Brawlhalla, Charles Hines is sitting at 116th place, putting him in the top 45%.  In Rocket League, our teams are 124th (Charles Hines, Westin Norment, and Jett King with alternate Lilyann Dyer) and 147th (Elijah Smith, Elijah Akinson, and Nahum Torben with alternate Efaa Torben) out of 189 total teams.

And finally, the Battle Mustangs Mario Kart Team, consisting of Austin Taylor, Ezra Dawson, Lilyann Dyer, and Jacob DelSignore, is ranked 14th place out of 88 teams!

Next week is devoted to make-up games and wrapping up the season's final rankings.  Our Battle Mustangs will meet at normal time to complete the make up games from the missed week in October.  Then, we will await the announcement of the individuals/teams making it to the 2023 MSEL Fall Season Playoffs.  This announcement should take place over Thanksgiving Break.  Look for more information as it arrives!

Overall, we have had a great fall season and are looking forward to the spring season!